Patient Intake Software


While in the waiting or exam rooms, patients use our mobile app to answer questions pertinent to their visit posed by ChartMedic's intuitive patient intake software.


Clinicians view clinical information produced by ChartMedic from patients' answers, so they can focus their interactions with patients more on addressing the patients' concerns rather than on discovering them.


Staff import draft chart documentation produced between the first two steps into the electronic medical record with a couple of clicks. No typing is required.
Gathering clinical information during the patient intake process lets patients and providers get back to talking.
Time to really listen to patients enhances the quality of care, thus improving the patient experience.

Having intake software that gathers clinical information ahead of time with ChartMedic frees up 4 - 6 minutes of interaction time during each appointment.

Providers have time to gather patient insights without worrying about missing any important information.

And having the right information can help improve the accuracy of each medical diagnosis.

Reducing the documentation burden streamlines clinician workflow and enhances provider productivity.

Improve provider efficiency, enhance patient satisfaction, and provide your best care.
Join our Pilot Program to try ChartMedic for free!Apply Now to learn how ChartMedic can improve your healthcare organization's intake experience.
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Join our Pilot Program to try ChartMedic for free!Apply Now to learn how ChartMedic can improve your healthcare organization's intake experience.