How It Works

Patients answer questions posed by our intake software in a mobile app as part of the patient intake process.
Check In

During the check-in process, the front desk staff at your healthcare organization select questionnaires in the ChartMedic mobile app for patients to complete prior to seeing their healthcare provider.

Take Time

In the waiting and/or exam room, patients are asked questions pertinent to their visit and answer them in the easy-to-use ChartMedic app. No writing or typing to fill out forms is required!

Patient Relaxing

Patients relax while answers are transferred to the cloud, and chart-ready draft documentation is generated for their provider to review immediately prior to or during the appointment.

Clinic staff review clinical information in chart-ready draft documentation in our web app.
Info Captured

With important clinical details provided via the tablet, clinicians readily have a complete picture of what the patient is experiencing.

Symptom Record

Information is presented as symptoms with characteristics and as contextual information such as medication use, past medical history, and pertinent risk factors.

Chart notes generated from the patient's interview and easily transferred to Epic.
Transfer Results

With charting done, providers can transfer results to central hospital systems with a few keystrokes.

Centralized Records

Patient records are centralized in Epic to ensure easy, ongoing access.

We do it all with important things in mind.


No personally identifying patient information is recorded by the ChartMedic app, stored by ChartMedic, or transferred between ChartMedic and the electronic medical record. Icons and the patient's birth year are used to associate interviews with each patient.


The app is user-friendly with large fonts and simple prompts, which helps simplify the intake experience. Questions are multiple-choice, so patients do not have to type long-form responses.

Language Support.

Questionnaires are available in multiple languages for easy access by patients with limited English skills. This decreases the time spent using medical interpreters, improves the patient experience.

All of this improves care delivery with less time and money spent.

Join our Pilot Program to try ChartMedic for free!Apply Now to learn how ChartMedic can improve your healthcare organization's intake experience.
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Join our Pilot Program to try ChartMedic for free!Apply Now to learn how ChartMedic can improve your healthcare organization's intake experience.